Brazil (RJ) |

Elisa is 15 years old, is eight months pregnant and has one day to cross the border to Brazil. Or a curse will take her soul.

Director: Malu Portela

Screenplay: Malu Portela

Producer: Sonia Freitas

Cinematographer: Andrea Cebukin

Art Director: Vic Estevs

Costume Design: Mayra Barroso

Sound Designer: Raquel Lázaro

Special Effects: Jelles Ribeiro

Editor: Jessika Goulart

Sound Editor: Sarah Lelièvre

Cast: Lux Nègre , Nazaret Gonzalez, Monique Guimarães, Norma Gonzalez, J Maia, Maria de Paula Ribeiro, Lucas Gabriel, Márcia Portela, Jorge Vasconcelos, Jorge Silpem

Sales Agent: Marcelo Engster

Contact: Malu Portela -


Parallel Events > Cinema at communities > Brazilian Showcase 10 - Rhymes

Clefts, accumulations, heaps: different meanings for rhymes that in these films revolve around female characters.

Brazilian Programs > Brazilian Showcase > Spcine Teatro Arthur Azevedo

Clefts, accumulations, heaps: different meanings for rhymes that in these films revolve around female characters.

Spcine – Casa de Cultura Hip Hop Sul

Clefts, accumulations, heaps: different meanings for rhymes that in these films revolve around female characters.