United Kingdom | 2021 | cor | 9 min

Struggling to make it in a big city, a young artist finds herself retreating into the rose-tinted memories of the village she left behind.

Director: Ewa Smyk

Screenplay: Ewa Smyk, Ralph Mathers

Producer: Leah Jones

Cinematographer: Pep Bosch i Calvo

Art Director: Iasonas Houssein

Soundtrack: Natalia Tsupryk

Sound Designer: Tatiana Sanches

Animation: Ewa Smyk

Editor: Amy Pettipher

Sound Editor: Tatiana Sanches

Sales Agent: Leah Jones

Contact: Ewa Smyk - smykenator@gmail.com


International Program > Inter 7 - Getting Back on Track

The eternal negotiation of the individual to adapt to the environment.

Films of this program: Inter 7 - Getting Back on Track

The eternal negotiation of the individual to adapt to the environment.