Previous editions
2010 - Multiplicities
Everything human senses capture serves as raw material for the audiovisual. Dreams, reality, reminiscences, History, melodies, experiences and forms. More and more, the possibilities that short films offer transgress genre limitations. Animations which tell stories and recreate History, experimentations without dialogues, soundtracks that contain narratives, support for artists from different fields such as visual arts, video art, graffiti and others – there are no more labels for films which constantly reinvent themselves.
Facing an offer of increasingly innovative pieces of work, this year we open a space for four programs which outline what we call audiovisual’s multiplicities. We open the series with Art on the Screen, a program featuring works of art submitted to the Festival for the past few years. Many of them had not been screened at the Festival because they lacked a proper space for them.Next, the Animated Documentaries, a collection of recent animated documentaries, a typical example of the interaction between the several possible languages, and the Narrative Images, a collection of narrative films which dispense dialogues for telling their stories. Enclosing this block, we have the Artists’ Portraits program, a chance to narrow the contact with other aspects of Brazilian art making.